Our Most in Demand Fibroblast Face Lift Services in Beverly Hills

Fibroblast Plasma Lift Beverly Hills CA
Fibroblast Plasma Lift rejuvenates your skin to reduce wrinkles on your face, neck, chest, hands, elbows, and knees.
It’s painless, non-invasive, and lasts longer than Botox. The minimization of wrinkles can last up to four years.
One person described it as blasting out the old collagen to produce new collagen.
Fibroblasts produce collagen outside of your cells. Collagen builds the structure of the cells and tissue in your bones, skin, hair, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. As you age, the body stops producing as much collagen, leading to weaker bones, skin, hair, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The procedure stimulates the production of new collagen.
It’s relatively inexpensive compared to invasive treatments.
Jet Plasma is similar to Fibroplasma but has zero downtime and is suitable for all skin types!
It’s the most advanced, revolutionary plasma technology used to brighten and tighten skin, shrink pores, and promote high levels of collagen regeneration.
Jet plasma works by contracting and tightening the fibers inside of your skin using cold and jet plasma.
Because jet plasma uses a cooler frequency, there is no trauma to the outer layers of the skin (meaning no social downtime!).
Jet Plasma is a pain-free and quick solution that has zero downtime and no significant side effects, ensuring your comfort and convenience.

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What Do I Need to Know?
Before My Appointment
Please wax or derma-plane any “peach fuzz” you have on your face in the area to be treated.
You need to come to the office 21 days prior to your appointment for a patch test to determine if you’re a good candidate for this treatment.
Fibroblast Candidacy
Fibroblast (plasma skin tightening) is not suitable for everyone.
If you are considering plasma skin tightening, you should be in good health at the time of the appointment with no pre-existing health conditions.
Ideal candidates for this cosmetic procedure are those with fair to medium skin tones and lax, crepe-like skin around the eyes, neck, tummy, mouth, or targeted area for the treatment.
Fibroblast will not affect fat cells.
A good candidate must not be prone to keloid scars, diabetes, have a healing disorder, have lymphatic draining issues, have a history of hyperpigmentation, wear a pacemaker, be pregnant, or be breastfeeding.
Our fibroblast treatment in Beverly Hills is only recommended on light to medium-dark skin tones (Fitzpatrick Scale 1-3 and sometimes 4/5). If you are a number 3, 4, or 5, you may be more prone to hyperpigmentation, which isn’t necessarily permanent. People with skin tone numbers 3, 4, and 5 are recommended to get a patch test in the desired treatment area(s) to see how their skin responds. Anyone with a darker complexion (6) is at risk for hyperpigmentation.

Regardless of your Fitzpatrick Skin Type or if you are unsure if you are prone to hyperpigmentation, a patch test is recommended. Hyperpigmentation and/or texture can be a risk for everyone.
Preparation for the Day of the Appointment
If you have “peach fuzz” on your face, please make sure to have it waxed or derma-planed two weeks before your appointment.
Contact lenses must be removed when performing treatment on the upper eyelids.
The skin should not be inflamed in the area we are treating prior to the procedure.
If you have a sunburn/suntan, the treatment should be postponed for up to 8 weeks or until burn/tan signs disappear.
Eyelash extensions receiving upper or lower eyelid treatment MUST have lashes removed prior to treatment; they can be reapplied after 8 weeks.
Refrain from using topical agents that may increase the sensitivity of the skin 2 -3 weeks before treatment. These topical agents include retinoids, exfoliants and/or exfoliating devices, salicylic washes and toners, products containing AHA and BHA’s, and hydroquinone.
Depending on the laxity of your skin and the desired results, you may want to have multiple treatments in the same area. Areas may be treated every 3 months.
After the Procedure

You will receive a list of aftercare products after you book an appointment at our fibroblast therapy in Beverly Hills, CA.