What determines a good candidate?

Surprisingly, age and the condition of your skin are not factors in determining a good candidate. Your age and the condition of your skin will determine the time it takes to heal, though. In general, healing can take eight to twelve weeks, depending on your age.

Who is a good candidate?

People with light to medium skin tones are ideal candidates; they are not prone to keloid scars, do not have a sunburn or open wounds, and do not have a cold.

Who May Not Be a Good Candidate?

Fitzpatrick Scale

People with olive, brown, or black skin may not be good candidates. Hyper or hypo pigmentation is skin discoloration and is more likely to happen with olive, brown, and black skin.


If your skin forms keloids or creates a lot of scar tissue, you may not be a good candidate for fibroplasma treatment. This is because it’s thought that fibroblasts creating excessive collagen are at the root of keloids.

Overall Health

Clients with diabetes, healing disorders, or lymphatic draining issues should not undergo treatment. Please contact Samantha if you’re not sure about a health condition and fibroplasma.


Clients with a sunburn/sun tan should postpone treatment.

I really want to try fibroplasma, but I don’t know if I’m a good candidate!

What if you really want to try fibroplasma, but you’re not sure if you’re a good candidate?

Call Samantha at (310) 930-8158! She can determine your situation and whether or not you’re a good fit for fibroplasma.

You can also schedule an appointment for a Patch Test. It’s $50, and you can see, on a small, inconspicuous area of your skin, how you will look after treatment.